Tuesday, June 11, 2013

WarGamesCon, an Overview.

So, I survived the weekend that I'd been both dreading and anticipating, and overall had a great time!  Played some great games, saw (and made) some good friends (including my best friend from DC who flew down for the event), and just got generally really excited to be back in the game

Friday I went 1-3 in Hardcore with my eHaley Double Stormwall list, and ended up taking Master Craftsman in a really close contest with Ben Williams' Bart Double Galleon list.
Game 1: vs Vlad3 (W)
Game 2: vs Harbinger
Game 3: vs eDoomshaper
Game 4: vs Lylith3

Saturday, pretty wiped out, I Played in the Team Tournament, our team played two rounds, then our third round opponents dropped.
Game 1: eHaley vs pDoomshaper
Game 2: pStryker vs Ossyan (W)

Sunday, my friend and I showed up late (intentionally) and had fun watching the games, especially the Masters Final (surrounded by WGC teardown as usual.)

I'll link to the games individually when I have time to write them up, but here I'll just do a concise what worked, and what didn't.

So, What Worked:

  • The eHaley Double Stormwall list played really well:  I wish I'd thought of it myself, but it came together pretty seamlessly on the table.  I'm sure with more experience I'll be able to get more output from it.
  • E-leap on Stormwall's Fists: Situational, but nice to have.
  • Lightning Pods: Are obviously the best part of Stormwall, no change here.
  • And, apparently, my painting.
What didn't work:
  • Stormwall's P+S20 fists against Trollbloods.  At -3 to damage, I just totally failed to put any significant dent both a Mountain King, and Mulg.  But that's... pretty much it?  I had some issues, but I think most of that is general lack of experience as opposed to the list/faction/models being bad.

So, overall, a great weekend!  Went 2-4 for tournament games, but being my first outings with both lists I used, I feel like 33% is something I can settle for.  I got a BOATLOAD of Convergence stuff from a buddy who went to Lock N Load, so that will be my next labor, but for the time being, I think I'll be playing Cygnar until I get some painting done.


  1. Another Master Craftsman definitely earned, bro. Good job. Look forward to seeing the 'more painting' you're talking about.
    In the meantime, some light reading, in case you haven't been scouring the Cygnar community boards already:


    1. Thank you for the kind words and the link! Wish I would have taken more time to do some reading on SW before the Con, but oh well.

      As for the painting, I'm taking the rest of this week to finish some things for other people, and if that goes according to plan, next week I'll start up on my Convergence army, which I'm *really* excited for!

  2. You doing stuff on commission then? Hey, maybe I'll see some of your work floating around next con season then. And Convergence... shitcheah! I'm with you, man. That's awesome. That means we'll be getting to see a lot more jacks out of you, I'd guess, with this faction... and more of that metallics work of yours. You planning on running Axis or Aurora, then? Because I've been considering just painting up a 'Rora and some Angels for fun, but I'll admit that I'm worried shading and highlighting those friggin' wings is gonna be the end of me. Totally worth it for the cool clockwork details, though. i just love the look of Convergence, even with the few models they've got. Finally something that fits the steampunk clocktower and simple industrial terrain I made last summer. Anyway... did the friend who got you stuff at l&l get to catch the Deciphering the Convergence talk that Dave Carl did? Was wondering what people thought of it. keep posting, though, man. We appreciate it.

  3. Nawww, no commission work, I'm just working on an existing backlog. I'm actually writing this while on a break after having lost some momentum working on a big batch of stuff. I'll try and get some pictures of the stuff up on the blog or CenTex soon.

    As for Convergence, I'm really excited! The first order of business will be to focus on Syntherion. He seems like a really solid 'jack caster, and I'm going to be looking to play with as many jacks as I can without making a bunch of skew lists. After that, I was GOING to do Axis as my #2, but Aurora is starting to look really solid. My biggest worry about Convergence is going to be wondering about when we'll get some of our support pieces (Optifex units, etc.)

    Painting-wise, I hadn't really looked at the angels, but now that you mention it... That looks like sort of a pain in the ass. I've been really back and forth on how I want to try and do the bases. I've got some ideas, but we'll see what I come up with.

    My buddy didn't mention DC's seminar, but that sounds interesting! I'd be interested to see what was discussed in there.

    The terrain you made sounds cool! Do you have any pictures of those online? Glad you're enjoying the posts! I'll do my best to keep up with it!

  4. Naw, no pictures that I've posted at least; though there might be some out there on some of my friends' or students' blogs or something. The kids got a lesson in soldering and welding when I fixed the bike cassettes and some of my old clock parts on there in class this year. Hobby's just something I kind of do on the side when I have the time, as I'm not very competitive with it. I just like making good looking things. Plus, my busy work really comes from word of mouth. So I do pretty much everything on commission or as gifts or to construct industrial installation-type pieces for art gallery charity auctions and stuff. I don't really keep anything except my favorite models. Most of the terrain and stuff I build is done in the classroom with my students from whatever we can salvage--- old tv or computer or bike parts or kitchen utensils we keep out of the landfills... or even organic materials--- and a shit-ton of plaster and greystuff. And they just keep recycling it. So anything we make goes through 4 or 5 permutations as the pieces get used and reused as sets and backdrops in the animated videos the kiddoes have to make for me in class. Pretty good system, really.

    p.s. Don't know if you caught this game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOS85nH1p_0
