And the slow grind to cover my WGC (which is now TexasGamesCon?) games continues....
After winning Round 1, I advanced and played a local guy using Harbinger. I don't have a really clear memory of his list, but I'll see what I can do...
Harbinger of Menoth
-Avatar of Menoth
Covenant of Menoth
Exemplar Errants (full)
Choir of Menoth
Vassal (or 2?)
Gorman di Wulfe
Rhupert Carvolo... and a bunch of other stuff...
It's been like a week (and I've been crazy busy), but as I remember it, the game came down to a few things:
-The Choir making all of his jacks immune to non-magical shooting really hosed my list's ranged advantage (On the Stormwalls, anyway)
-None of my infantry clearing stuff could kill Errants.
-I was trying to work on spreading damage around (mostly because of deployment, I couldn't concentrate ALL of the offensive output on a single model). I think each of his jacks had like 5 points left on them... As I'm typing this out, I'm realizing how dumb that was.
-No Spells on the Covenant was pretty harsh, too. It forced Haley to walk out of the Killbox to be able to throw her Temporal Acceleration on one of the Stormwalls, but was that really worth the 5pts damage?
-Harbie's feat would have one-shotted my ATGMs and B13th, and would have done 2D6 straight damage to Haley, which was pretty rough.
Overall it was a great game, but a tough matchup for sure! I'll have to practice this one!
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