Sunday, June 16, 2013

WarGamesCon Hardcore Game 2--eHaley vs Harbinger

And the slow grind to cover my WGC (which is now TexasGamesCon?) games continues....

After winning Round 1, I advanced and played a local guy using Harbinger.  I don't have a really clear memory of his list, but I'll see what I can do...

Harbinger of Menoth
-Avatar of Menoth
Covenant of Menoth
Exemplar Errants (full)
Choir of Menoth
Vassal (or 2?)
Gorman di Wulfe
Rhupert Carvolo... and a bunch of other stuff...

It's been like a week (and I've been crazy busy), but as I remember it, the game came down to a few things:

-The Choir making all of his jacks immune to non-magical shooting really hosed my list's ranged advantage (On the Stormwalls, anyway)
-None of my infantry clearing stuff could kill Errants.
-I was trying to work on spreading damage around (mostly because of deployment, I couldn't concentrate ALL of the offensive output on a single model). I think each of his jacks had like 5 points left on them... As I'm typing this out, I'm realizing how dumb that was.
-No Spells on the Covenant was pretty harsh, too.  It forced Haley to walk out of the Killbox to be able to throw her Temporal Acceleration on one of the Stormwalls, but was that really worth the 5pts damage?
-Harbie's feat would have one-shotted my ATGMs and B13th, and would have done 2D6 straight damage to Haley, which was pretty rough.

Overall it was a great game, but a tough matchup for sure!  I'll have to practice this one!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

WarGamesCon Hardcore Game 1--eHaley vs Vlad3

So, first game of WGC Hardcore went pretty well!  It's been a few days but I'll try and give the best account I can of what happened (but some details are probably off).

I saw I was paired vs Khador and was PUMPED to have covering fire be ultra-useful against a high-DEF infantry horde.  I arrived at the table to see a Vlad3 Cav list with a Conquest. Damn.  Prior to this game, I'd played 2 practice games with my Hardcore list, so I felt pretty nervous going in.

I ran:
-Stormwall & Pods (Bonded)
-Stormwall & Pods
Journeyman Warcaster
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
-Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Force

He Ran (I think?) :
Full Uhlans
Full Uhlans
Man O War Drakhun

I won the roll and opted to go second.

Turn One, my opponent ran things up, and cast Windwall to make a TON of his stuff un-shootable.  That's bad for me.  One Uhlan unit was significantly further to my right than the other, going toward my B13th.

My Turn one, I advanced and got into a pretty good position, but I think that's about it.

His turn 2, more advancing, the Uhlans get closer to the B13th,  the blob of Uhlans in front, Vlad in the middle, and one of the solos in the back all under Wind Wall advance further, unshootably. Conquest wanders into range of my bonded Stormwall.

On my Turn, I mark the squire for an extra focus, I give 3 Focus to the Bonded Stormwall (on my left, well within range of Conquest), Keep 3 on Haley, and give 3 to the other Stormwall.  The Gun Mages activate first and run to Jam the Uhlans in the middle of the board (to the right of Conquest).  Haley activates and feats, catching most of his army, and casts Temporal Acceleration on the bonded Stormwall, who then activates and advances (at speed 9!) into Conquest.  He swings a few times and destroys the Collossal.  My second Stormwall advances and shoots the Drakhun to death, and drops a pod in the way of Uhlans, kills a man in the second Uhlan unit (to my right) with his Metal Storm, etc.  the B13th Shoot and kill 1 Uhlan.

His turn, he sort of flounders through my feat, an Uhlan gets near The Bonded Stormwall.

My Turn, I kill the Uhlan and shoot some more things and leave Haley a little open, so I run the journeyman and place a pod in the way.

During my opponent's turn, Vlad charges the Journeyman, using his impact attack on the pod, and 2 attacks on the Journeyman.  Reaching Haley with sidestep, he misses some attacks and fails to assassinate.

My next turn, I allocate 2 focus to each Stormwall and Time Bomb Vlad, then the first Stormwall finishes him off with PS20 fists.


What did I learn?  

I think I had Haley reasonably well protected, but that game could have ended WAY differently if some rolls went the other way.  I think I need to get more offensive output out of the second Stormwall, but I'm not really sure what he's supposed to be doing when the first one charges something?  The list presented a weird situation where a lot of his models were unshootable (as I had no Aiyana/Holt to give them Magic Weapons.  Curses.

WarGamesCon, an Overview.

So, I survived the weekend that I'd been both dreading and anticipating, and overall had a great time!  Played some great games, saw (and made) some good friends (including my best friend from DC who flew down for the event), and just got generally really excited to be back in the game

Friday I went 1-3 in Hardcore with my eHaley Double Stormwall list, and ended up taking Master Craftsman in a really close contest with Ben Williams' Bart Double Galleon list.
Game 1: vs Vlad3 (W)
Game 2: vs Harbinger
Game 3: vs eDoomshaper
Game 4: vs Lylith3

Saturday, pretty wiped out, I Played in the Team Tournament, our team played two rounds, then our third round opponents dropped.
Game 1: eHaley vs pDoomshaper
Game 2: pStryker vs Ossyan (W)

Sunday, my friend and I showed up late (intentionally) and had fun watching the games, especially the Masters Final (surrounded by WGC teardown as usual.)

I'll link to the games individually when I have time to write them up, but here I'll just do a concise what worked, and what didn't.

So, What Worked:

  • The eHaley Double Stormwall list played really well:  I wish I'd thought of it myself, but it came together pretty seamlessly on the table.  I'm sure with more experience I'll be able to get more output from it.
  • E-leap on Stormwall's Fists: Situational, but nice to have.
  • Lightning Pods: Are obviously the best part of Stormwall, no change here.
  • And, apparently, my painting.
What didn't work:
  • Stormwall's P+S20 fists against Trollbloods.  At -3 to damage, I just totally failed to put any significant dent both a Mountain King, and Mulg.  But that's... pretty much it?  I had some issues, but I think most of that is general lack of experience as opposed to the list/faction/models being bad.

So, overall, a great weekend!  Went 2-4 for tournament games, but being my first outings with both lists I used, I feel like 33% is something I can settle for.  I got a BOATLOAD of Convergence stuff from a buddy who went to Lock N Load, so that will be my next labor, but for the time being, I think I'll be playing Cygnar until I get some painting done.