Alright, so game 3 with Stryker, my first in a competitive setting. Got paired against a really nice Circle player! Round one was the Into the Breach Scenario
My Opponent ran something like:
Full Skinwalkers
Full Wolves + UA
Stones + UA
I ran the list I'd discussed previously:
-Stormwall & Pods
Stormblades + UA + 2 WA's
Arcane Tempest Gunmages + UA
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
So, my opponent won first turn. I placed Stormwall pretty centrally. She deployed her Wolves and a Pureblood on my left (Going for the Zone) and the Skinwalkers, Ghetorix and the Stalker more to my right (Going for the Flag). Seeing all this, I was essentially very foolish and put my Stormblades vs the Wolves, and ATGM vs the Skinwalkers, which is, obviously, the exact opposite of what I should have done.
So Turn one, everybody pretty much ran. Stormwall gets Arcane Shield, Stormblades get Snipe. Stormwall and the Cyclone dropped some Covering fire templates. Turn two she moved a bunch of Wolves and the Pureblood into the zone, and some Skinwalkers up toward the flag, and the stones teleport, getting two in B2B with the flag.
My turn two takes for damn ever. Stormwall moves up and tries to drop some Covering Fire, and Shoot one of the skinwalkers (who he does a point of damage to). The Gunmages move up and shoot at the Stones, killing the Stonekeeper. (I'd hoped this would leave them out of formation, but alas. The Cyclone dropped some Covering Fire as well.
I give the Stormblades Dirge of Mists (which I forgot about), and they assault. The idea was to try and assault the pureblood behind a couple of wolves, but because it had Stealth from Kaya's Shadow Pack, I would have only gotten like two shots on it. So, they assaulted and killed like 3-4 Wolves. So at the end of my turn two, I had moved up pretty far, leaving myself a little exposed. My memory here gets a little fuzzy.
At the end of my turn, my Opponent got a Control Point for controlling the flag (5 CP's to win). She charged my Lancer with the Stalker and left it with one box. The Wolves minifeated and killed a few Stormblades. Ghetorix moved up getting ready to charge Stormwall. The Skinwalkers move up and surround the flag. My Oponent gets another CP (2/5)
My turn, I have Stormwall within charge range of either the Stalker (DEF 14) or Ghetorix (DEF 16 w/ Forced Evolution). So, either one I would be hard for me to hit with my wimpy MAT 6. What I should have done was Allocate 3 to Stormwall, have Stryker cast Earthquake at my Lancer (although his DEF would also have been pretty high at a 15, but with a boost and a re-roll from the Squire, I feel OK about it) to knock down a few wolves and the Stalker, and Pop Feat. And then Charge it and kill it with Stormwall (although Stormblades may have been able to accomplish this by themselves if the Stalker was KD'd). That would have put my Opponent down 1 heavy, with my ARM 27 Colossal right on her Doorstep.
What I actually did was Allocate 3 to Stormwall, move up with Stryker and cast Earthquake on one of the Skinwalkers who looked like he was close enough to Ghetorix, but was woefully just outside the 5" AOE. With Stryker exposed, and neither Warpwolf knocked down, I balked and decided to Walk up around Stryker (did I mention I put Stryker in the way?) and Power Strike the Stalker-- I managed to hit and boost damage to knock some points off and Slam him a few inches away, which killed 2 Wolves and knocked him down. My Stormblades did something uninteresting... I think they killed some wolves? The Gunmages did pretty OK. Two shot thunderbolts at Ghetorix. One missed, the other pushed him back 3". The rest moved up and decided to Crit Brutal into the skinwalkers, which removed a 1-2 and put damage on some. The Cyclone decided to actually use the metal storms and got 5 shots which got the unit below 50% and killed a Stone. This all being said, I totally forgot to feat, so poor Stormwall was Hung out to dry waiting for Ghetorix's inevitable charge.
All I remember about the next turn is that Ghetorix Charged Stormwall and beat him up pretty bad. My final turn, I had 1 minute left on my Death Clock, so I allocated to Stormwall, Decided to do a fully boosted powerstrike and knocked him back 3" and did some damage, before Clocking myself.
Result: Loss
I guess Technically by the clock, but my sloppy play wasn't doing me any favors here. I need to get a LOT more practice to try and knock some of the rust off.
As far as what I can take away from this game, I think there were some pretty big mistakes that were made-- essentially deploying backwards (ATGM vs Medium Infantry and Beasts with Stormblades vs Infantry). The turn 3 Debacle where I should have Charged the stalker didn't help either.
This was the first of a couple of games where I ended up forgetting my damn feat. So, in short. Be more aggressive, Jam with the feat (ARM 27 SW, ARM 20 SB's).
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