Thursday, April 25, 2013

Game 6--pStryker vs 3Makeda (50pts)

Finally made it back out to Dragon's Lair to get a game in--only had time for 1 though because of the damn drive both ways and class in the morning, no matter though, got some experience out of it.

Played Incursion, a personal favorite of mine:

I played the same pStryker List I've been running, my opponent played something like:

-Molik Karn
Min Incendiarii
Min Nihilators
Max Paingivers

I got the first turn, Deployed Stormwall Centrally with Stormblades and the Lancer on the Left, and Everything else on the Right.  My opponent deployed his Nihilators opposide my SBs, and the Incendiarii across from my Gunmages. Shit.

Turn one stuff ran.

Turn two, I'm feasibly in threat range of a lot of his stuff, which gives me a decent chance to deal with his superiority in numbers.  I allocate some focus, and run the Lancer up 10" away from the Agonizer (who had 3Makeda and a shield guard, as well as a few Nihilators next to it)  and Shot an Earthquake at it and feated.

It's at this point that I manage to miss the fact that I've knocked Makeda down, with no fury, and only one shieldguard.

Moving forward, I decide that maybe an assault with the stormblades would clear the nihilators out and even the numbers some... That works-ish, and kills a couple, but puts my Stormblades a little too far up with nothing to really protect them.  The GunMages shoot ineffectively at the Incendiarii, and the Cyclone pumps like 5 metal storm shots into them, killing 1.  Stormwall advances and takes 2 shots at the Bronzeback--who is regrettably in the krea bubble--Putting him at DEF14, or 8 to hit.  With 2 focus, I boost to hit the first shot and do no damage, and I think I miss the second shot?  Lame, yo.  I drop a pod in between the BB and SW so that something is in between the two (I think I was also basically out of charge range, but we'll see)

With my feat up Everything's at a lot of armor, so I feel not WHOLLY terrible about having a bunch of stuff more or less in the open.

Well, I should have been more scared.  This is the turn where things took a turn for the worse.  Makeda and Co. stand up-- The Nihilators stand up and advance, some take some swings and I think kill 1 stormblade?  Makeda feats and charges and kills a whole BUNCH of stuff. The Incendiarii Drop some well-placed fire on my GunMages, killing 2.   The Bronzeback moves over and is about to put Beatback on Karn when my opponent realized that it would replace Rush that Makeda put on him.  The Krea Charges and Kills one GunMage.  Karn basically charges and sidestep-beatbacks his way through what's left of my left flank, and then he and Makeda fatewalker over to the left objective, and my opponent scores 2 points.

So, my turn begins with fire checks on all but 2 of the gun mages, and all of those die, so the 2 remaining ATGMS take a command check and fail spectacularly, so my Right Flank collapses as well.  This basically leaves me with:  the Stormblades UA, Rhupert, the Lancer, and Jr on my Left, and a Cyclone on my right, with Stormwall, Stryker, and a Squire in the middle.  I try to go for an Earthquake on Karn, but I miss (I would have missed anyway, because he would have made me re-roll) and it deviates onto one of Makeda's shield guards and 2 Nihilators.  I decide that with the revelation of the re-roll, operation: 1-round Karn isn't going to pan out, so I switch focus to reclaiming the middle objective and contesting the left one.  My stormblades assault the shield guards.  My Banner one-shots the knocked down one, and the officer nearly kills the other. The Lancer pokes a nihilator and knocks him down with tough.  The Cyclone tries to shoot stuff but doesn't do much, and Stormwall tries to shoot up the gladiator, but alas, no luck.  He does, however, drop a pod within 4" of the far flag to contest.

My opponent's turn, nihilators and shieldguards basically kill my Stormblades UA (after a few tough rolls by my officer, thanks to Rhupert).  Makeda charges the Lancer and kills it after a while, putting SW in Vortex of Destruction.  The Gladiator charges it and kills it all by himself.  the bronzeback moves up next to it.  Shiiiit.  Incendiarii do a CRA on Stryker for a few points and kill the squire.  Molik Beats a few things up?  Makeda Fatewalkers away.

My turn, I've basically got the Cyclone and Stryker.  I have a half-baked scheme to put snipe on him and try to shoot makeda up, but Orin Midwinter's anti-magic bubble screws things up, so I basically get wildly out of place.

Next turn, the gladiator puts Rush on the Bronzeback, which charges through what used to be stormwall and beats Stryker to death.  On the plus side, Molik Karn missed 6 attacks on him first.

Result: Loss

So, what did I learn?  I'm not really sure.  I feel like some of that came down to bad matchups due to deployment... Once again, I see that Stormblades vs standard infantry is a bad way to go, and ATGM vs heavy infantry is also bad.  I had a few bad rolls with stormwall, but I really need to be getting better use out of his ranged game.

Definitely will have to keep in mind that Molik Karn can screw around with making you re-roll attacks that hit him.

Definitely have to watch out for giving 3Makeda ANY infantry to chew on, that feat turn could have been really nasty. (that being said, it was).

One thing to keep in mind would be to, you know, notice when I've knocked down my opponent's warlock with NO FURY.  I'll have nightmares about that one for a while.

I wouldn't say I feel discouraged, but I don't think I did a particularly good job there.


  1. I remember this game! you really had me sweating bullets on that turn you knocked my caster down. I still think she could have made it through with her one shield guard for one big gun and then arm 19 for the rest, but it would have been close. should have definitely gone for it.

    the gun mages placement was the big one in this game. they don't do much to heavy infantry, especially when those heavy infantry have a Krea following them around. in return, flaming AOEs do bad things to stealthy gun mages. not much you can do about that going second, but it did hurt. maybe place the gun mages centrally so you can run them turn 1 to the flank where you want them.

    Stryker isn't terribly impressive in my opinion. Aside from that stupid 5" knockdown spell he doesn't really do much that makes him stand out. he's definitely not the way to go against Skorne who generally don't care about armor cracking.

    Anyways, cool to see this battle report. always interesting to read from an opponent's POV. I think I've only gotten to read two or three of my opponent's reports, and they were all from Cody when he used to track every game

    1. In looking back at it, it was a really fun game-- one of the things I like about WM/H is HOW intensely deadly some stuff is- Although it was a bummer to see the Stormwall get one-rounded, it was really cool to see how you went about it.

      I also think that I could have beat Makeda up some, I don't think that I would have really had a credible assassination threat... I guess had I moved the Stormwall to face her directly and taken/boosted the two big gun shots and go all out on the metal storms, in addition to some more attention from the Stormblades (who may have been out of range? I don't really remember), I might have been able to put something together.

      Overall, I basically like Stryker-- I don't really know how to make him work, but a ton of armor and the knockdown AOE have plenty of potential. I guess the problem is that he's a caster that has some utility in a game full of out-of-control bananas Casters.. I also actually really like the ATGM, and I think a central deployment could really help out with the issues I've been having.

      Should be more battle reports to come! If I ever get out and play more games, that is... I'm in the middle of moving and trying to paint my hardcore list up right now, so it's tough for me to get to the store. There's a reasonable chance that the first game I'll play with it will be at WGC Hardcore!

  2. You're moving? Still in Austin?

    1. Yeah, I'm still in town! Same area, new place is all.

      That being said, moving down the street was a surprising amount of work.

    2. Hope you're all settled in and liking the new place! But yeah, moving's never as easy as you think it's gonna be. Probably worth it, though. Plus, you're in good company. The guys over at DL were saying the same thing back in March. Speaking of which, I'm still working out a new bike route now that they're on the west side of Burnet. Any suggestions? Cause I've been taking Yates to Northcross? Is Shoalcreek/Foster faster?
