Sunday, April 14, 2013

Game 4--pStryker vs Absylonia 50pts (Dragon's Lair Steamroller Round 2)

Round two, ended up paired against Legion.  Sort of a tough Matchup with Blight Field from Absylonia.

He ran: 
-Naga Nightlurker
Full Legionnaires
Full Spawning Vessel
Anyssa Ryvall
2x Shepherd
2x Forsaken

Round 2 was Supply and Demand.  There were a few tough pieces of terrain to contend with.  I won the roll and opted to go Second to see if better deployment could see me through to a more agreeable outcome than my previous game.  

He placed the AA almost in the back left corner. I put my SW slightly left of center.  He had a long line of Legionnaires with the Pot behind them, and Anyssa on the right (from my perspective).  On the left was his battlegroup and support. 

I deployed for the right matchups-- Stormblades, SW, and the Lancer on the left vs the battlegroup, and ATGM on the right vs the infantry and Anyssa.

His first turn, he Ran Anyssa WAY far toward me.  Legionnaires ran up, etc.

I didn't move THAT far up the board for fear of long threat ranges.  I handed Snipe to the ATGMs, Arcane Shield to SW, and Blur on Stryker (???).  The Gunmages advanced and tried to shoot at Anyssa but couldn't connect.  I laid down some covering fire, more to make myself feel good.

My opponent moved the Archangel RIGHT to the center of the board, in front of the line of Legionnaires, and threw out 2 AOE's, one of which killed the Squire.  Anyssa moved up and took out a couple Gun Mages (including the UA, making my Cyclone Autonomous). Other stuff advanced.

My turn, the Gunmages advanced and one shot at Anyssa and missed.  The rest killed about 4 Legionnaires.  The autonomous cyclone dropped covering fire all up in her Business.  The Stormblades activated and went to Assault his Angelius.  The idea was to try and get a Stormgunner on him so that the rest of the unit would auto-hit and scrap him... but no such luck... I don't think a single one hit?  This left my Stormblades pretty bunched up and out in the open.  Stormwall advanced, and dropped a pod to kill one Legionnaire.  He took shots at AA, but missed both or something, then dropped some Covering Fire.  At this point, Stryker should have feated (and, obviously, didn't).

My Opponent's turn  AA charged SW and mercifully whiffed all of his initials.  Buying attacks he took out a little over a side.  Then the Angel Charged and did a pretty devastating armor piercing attack (both using Wraithbane to ignore Arcane Shield).  Stormwall had his movement and Pods intact.  Anyssa stood still and Killed some more Gunmages.  Legionnaires charged some of the Stormblades and killed some.  Absylonia Blight Fielded Stormwall and my Lancer (although there's not a TON I could have done anyway)

My next turn was pretty lackluster.  I assaulted again with the Stormblades, hoping to put SOME damage on something, but once more, that didn't work.  I don't remember what else I did, but I ONCE MORE didn't pop my feat.  Which was dumb. 

My opponent's turn, he armor-pierced SW to death, and AA charged Stryker and killed him pretty quickly. 

Result: Loss

Looking back, I'm not sure if I just played badly or what. Remembering the feat, my opponent and I worked out afterward, would have been 25 less damage that Stormwall would have taken on the one extra-devastating turn, so that seems significant.  I think I should have just been more aggressive again and tried to Jam with the feat turn and play for attrition.  The Stormblades need rangers or deadeye or SOMETHING to help them really be able to hit high-DEF heavies-- I'm confident that had the Stormgunner hit the Angel, the rest would have just annihilated it.  

Thinking about the Anyssa situation, it probably would have been worth it to do their CRA thing to try and just nail her to the wall, since she just invalidated them the whole game.

So, Round 2, biggest consideration is: remember to Feat, duh.

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